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Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources Hires (2876) Male and Female Citizens in 2019

30 January, 2020

His Excellency Dr. Tariq Sultan Bin Khadim, member of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Sharjah and Chairman of the Directorate of Human Resources, has revealed that (2876) female and male jobseekers have been hired according to the employment index of Sharjah Programme for the Recruitment of National Cadres during 2019, where (2041) job seekers have been hired in governmental and semi-governmental entities, while (835) job seekers have been hired in private entities, noting that the total number of national cadres appointed during the past six years has reached (16781).
He stressed that this is a an implementation of the developmental visions of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, may God protect and preserve him, and his continuous directives to harness all efforts necessary to provide appropriate jobs for the people of the Emirate and a decent life for the citizens, and ensure their stability and well-being. Therefore, Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources works to harness all efforts and capabilities to achieve job stability for citizens, and support them on the academic and professional levels, to advance them as a national human wealth that participates in the development process and is distinguished in leadership.
His Excellency pointed out that the Emirate of Sharjah is proactive under the guidance of His Highness Ruler of Sharjah, in proposing and implementing happiness initiatives that have a positive impact on the people of the Emirate of Sharjah, stressing that His Highness relentlessly strives to hire all available capabilities in order to see the smile spread on the hearts and faces of his children; seeking in this way to build a society characterized by prosperity, quality living, decent life and social stability.
Bin Khadim added that the Emirate of Sharjah, thanks to the insightful vision of His Highness Ruler of Sharjah, creates one opportunity after another to accommodate national cadres and provide them with suitable job opportunities to support community and economic development.
He explained that the employment index during 2019 was based on the following results:
First: Employment Results Based on the Community Development Requirements
He explained that His Highness Ruler of Sharjah, may God protect and preserve him, has approved the employment of (724) group cases based on the results of a questionnaire of the Department of Statistics and Community Development, and studies of the Department of Social Services and Family Development Centres, in addition to the employment requests submitted by citizens during the Ruler’s visit to various cities and regions of the Emirate, where it appeared on the social level, after conducting the study, that the families are in urgent need of the jobs.
He stressed that the employment included all citizens of the cities and regions of the Emirate of Sharjah, namely six categories, which are orphans, low-income people, divorced women, breadwinner wives, persons with disabilities who hold university qualifications 2018 -2019, and low-income families of martyrs; where the number of orphans who were appointed exceeded (187) female and male citizens, given that the families’ income is low due to the death of the breadwinners; and the number of the low-income people exceeded (446) female and male citizens, given that the families’ income is dependent on social assistance or pension, as income is less than AED (20,000); and (38) were employed from among children of divorced women, because the children's income is dependent on alimony only, which is insufficient to provide a decent life for them. (15) where hired from among breadwinner wives whose husbands are unemployed or suffer from health-related incapacities; and (20) were hired from among persons with disabilities who hold university qualifications 2018-2019, whose disability allows them to work in special jobs commensurate with their types. (18) were hired from among low-income families of martyrs, given that their family income depends on pension payments and social assistance.
His Excellency praised the care of His Highness Ruler of Sharjah for studying the situation of the people of the Emirate and the problems and challenges they face, at all levels, to develop and find appropriate solutions to them, and take decisions that help securing a decent and stable life for them and their families.
Second: Employment Results Based on Professional Development Requirements During the year 2019
He explained that (1317) job seekers were hired based on the requirements and needs of government agencies to support professional specialisations and field jobs, where (769) were hired from among males, and (548) from among females.
He pointed out that (351) job interviews were organised in the government sector, during which (7712) job seekers were nominated. The number of those have committed to attending the interviews reached (5215), while (2497) did not attend the interviews.
He affirmed that job opportunities were offered in the government sector to all the people of the country, and accordingly, those with competence have been chosen to fill jobs in government agencies in Sharjah City and their branches in the Central Region and the Eastern Region. Likewise, priority was given to job seekers from among graduates who had never had job opportunities; and accordingly, a large number of those graduates has been hired, unlike in previous years.
Third: Employment Results Based on the Requirements of Private Sector Entities During the Year 2019
He said that (835) job opportunities were offered as part of the Job Coordination Initiative with the banking sector, insurance and aviation companies and some investment companies in the country to fill the jobs available based on the job occupation requirements for the year 2019 for citizens in the private sector.
He added that (95) job interviews were organised in the private sector, (25) in banks and exchange centres, and (70) in private companies and institutions.
He explained the main reasons that contributed to supporting the employment of national human resources in private sector entities, as follows: Ensuring continuous communication with institutions and companies in this sector; providing qualified national cadres in the database of the Directorate of Human Resources, which led several private entities to hire them as they are qualified through the qualification programmes organised annually by the Directorate, and trained through the field training programme of Sharjah Government.
Participation in Employment Exhibitions
He emphasised that the Directorate is keen on cooperating with all sectors in the State and meeting all their needs for national cadres. Its participation in Sharjah National Career Exhibition, Abu Dhabi Career Fair, Dubai Job Fair, Ras Al Khaimah Career Fair, and Fujairah Career Fair had a positive effect in enhancing cooperation relations with various institutions and opening new job opportunities to serve the recruitment of job seekers and achieve optimal investment in human resources.
Occupational Groups with Highest Level of Employment Growth
His Excellency Dr. Tariq bin Khadim stated that employment is based on the requirements and needs for educational qualifications by government and private agencies, and added that the database in the Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources encompasses all the academic qualifications and professional specialisations required for job occupation. He explained that the administrative and financial professions topped all professions by having registered the highest level of employment growth, as they came first including the specialisations of business administration, general management, human resource management, management information systems, accounting and comprehensive business management. Filed professions ranked second and they encompass the professions of inspectors, monitors, roving teams, field workers, and military personnel. In third rank were the professions of environmental sciences, nutrition and public health, including jobs in the fields of biotechnology sciences, nutrition sciences, and health management. Engineering and technical assistance jobs ranked fourth, including civil engineering, computer engineering, architectural engineering, network engineering, and construction engineering.
He added that the professions and jobs of information technology occupations ranked fifth and included jobs in the fields of technology management, information systems, and network technology. He pointed out that employment in educational professions is based on the requirements of the entities, depending on the needed specialisations only, and are concentrated in government nurseries.
He explained that one of the main reasons that contributed to supporting the employment of national human resources in private sector entities is opening channels of communication with employers in the private sector; activating partnerships with the institutions of this sector; informing the job seekers of the job opportunities available in this sector that constitutes the future of jobs in the contemporary time; providing qualified national cadres in the Directorate’s database by subjecting them to career qualification programmes that offer a package of programmes which guarantee the qualification and training of citizens, to make them the first choice for employment in private companies and institutions.
He explained that the Directorate’s Strategy seeks to invest a real partnership with the private sector, which ensures the provision of job opportunities for national job seekers; stressing the importance of the trend towards employment in the private sector, which constitutes the promising future for every job seeker.
He pointed out that the role of government and semi-government agencies in the Government and the private entities was influenced by the high rates of employment during the past five years, and he praised their efforts, initiatives and effective participation in the employment of national cadres.
He added that Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources supports the development trend in the State, and the future vision that is based on efficient human resources who keep pace with all changes, pursuant to the directives of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, may God protect him, which confirm that the human being is the origin of development and the basis for every correct investment that leads to comprehensive development. Since its beginnings, Sharjah Directorate of Human Resources plays a pivotal role in providing qualification programmes and foundational rules that achieve the advancement of job seekers as a national human wealth to reach the highest levels of quality and professionalism, and to enhance their performance in the work fields by improving their academic qualifications, applied skills, and exceptional capabilities, to become the strongest and most wanted in the job market.
Professional Qualification Programmes
The Directorate focuses on supporting job seekers to achieve high levels of qualification and field training in line with their qualifications and capabilities, and in a manner that meets the needs of the job market and employment entities in need of employees. He explained the plans of human development in terms of qualification programmes, and noted that (300) qualification programmes were implemented by the Directorate (300) during the year 2019, from which (6197) job seekers have benefited at a cost of AED (5,900,000). Such programmes were established with the aim of preparing and qualifying the job seekers according to the needs of the labour market in various specialties. (252) specialised, behavioural and self-development programmes were implemented, in addition to (18) professional diplomas in cooperation with University of Sharjah, (30) foundation programmes in the English, and the International Computer Driving License ICDL.
Field Training
He mentioned the field training programmes among the most important and most prominent programmes that have contributed to employment during the last five years, as the Directorate has followed up the implementation of the Field Training Programme (on-the-job training) in cooperation with all government departments, bodies and institutions in the Emirate and their branches in various cities of the Emirate with the aim of preparing, qualifying and hiring national cadres in various sectors of the State. (852) citizens from among the job seekers in all government agencies and their branches in the Eastern Region and the Central Region have been placed into the field training programmes during the year 2019 in (60) entities, where the field training programme’s reward for employees per month has been paid at a cost of AED (3,266,000). The Directorate is constantly seeking to increase opportunities for field training in coordination and cooperation with government and private sector entities.
He emphasized that the field training and qualification programmes contribute to achieving a great success in the appointment of national cadres, and this was proven by the fact that the persons who enrolled in these programmes have passed all interviews compared to those who did not enrol in any of such qualification or field training programme.
In conclusion, His Excellency Dr. Tariq bin Khadim expressed his warmest thanks and appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, for the unlimited support and high confidence that His Highness has put in all employees of the Directorate, which contributed to motivating them to make efforts to help finding suitable job opportunities for national cadres and make them acquire the skills and expertise in order to enable them to find a place in the labour market. He also thanked the Executive Council headed by His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler, for the careful follow-up of all the work of the Directorate, and for supporting its plans and strategies in human resource development.
He finally expressed many thanks to all sectors that cooperated with the Directorate to hire national cadres, and to all job applicants who are registered with the Directorate’s system for their interest in the recruitment steps manifested in attending the qualification and field training programmes and the job interviews and presenting suggestions for work development in the coming years.